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Depression Rates Among College Students

My data visualization assignment proposal is depression in college students. This topic is very newsworthy and is always trending in the news. There are a lot of statistics from various sources showing increasing depression or symptoms of depression in college students. I want to compare the percentages throughout the years. Graphs would be great for this topic because they show a visual of how many students are suffering every day. I don't believe colleges do enough to look out for the well-being of their students and this could bring attention to a lot of people to look out for those close to them.

I will reach out to Kim Coffaro who is the Assistant Director of the Office of Disability Services at Slippery Rock University. The Office of Disability Services gives accommodations to those with mental health concerns to support them academically.

Since the pandemic, college student mental health has been recognized more because of the increase in depression in college students. This topic has lots of research behind it and students at Slippery Rock University also are affected by this topic.

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